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BlairWitch.de: John, what can you tell us about your person?
John: How’s this? I have 7 passions in life: working on and watching movies (horror/action/sci-fi), women (have a soft spot for blonde/blue eyes), booze (Southern/JD), traveling (tropical, I’m an ocean man), cheeseburgers, partying (after hours) and working out (weights/boxing).

BlairWitch.de: How do you cope with the fact of being both actor and journalist? I mean, as a critic, one should be unbiased
John: It’s a line that I’m always aware of and that I thread carefully. I don’t believe that I’m the best writer in the world but one thing I do have is a truckload of integrity. So the way I go about it is by being very honest with myself, hence honest with my readers. If I see that my experience working on a film sways my opinion of it as a journalist, even just a tad, than I just won’t review it (like I did with Alone in the Dark). If I truly believe that I’m able to remain objective, I’ll put out a full disclosure text before my review and cover the film. Again, it’s all about being straight up with yourself and your readers. If you lose that, just close shop, it isn’t worth it if you ask me. So far I haven’t gotten one complaint so I must be doing something right.

BlairWitch.de:- In "The Ocean" you are playing a surfer - what can you tell us about this very interesting project?
John: The Ocean is directed by Dante Tomaselli and written by Tomaselli and Michael Gingold (of Fangoria fame). Having loved Tomaselli’s two previous films (Desecration/Horror) I am beyond excited to be working with the man as I feel that he is a true visionary. In The Ocean, I play the surfer boyfriend of the lead gal and let’s just say that I get a good whooping by the supernatural entity within the picture. Interestingly enough, I love horror and the actual ocean (I’m so moved by it, it’s my religion). To work a in a movie that sports both elements is a damn treat!

BlairWitch.de: Do you think that being a writer is an advantage in getting offers for roles by the studios?
John: You mean working the site? I think and hope so. You’d have to ask the Studios!

BlairWitch.de: We've already seen you in many action and horror movies - what is so fascinating about playing roles in the horror-genre?
John: Well for me it’s very simple. I’ve always loved the horror/action and sci- fi genre. I was raised by them and connect to them! So working within them today in any capacity is always a blast! It’s what I love, what I do and what I want to do more! Although my wallet and dwindling bank account disagree, life’s too short to not do what you’re passionate about.

BlairWitch.de:Do you think that the horror-movies-revival we have in these days is going to endure another period of time or is it going to fade soon?
John: In my useless opinion, no, it will fade out sooner or later. Horror works in cycles, its down, its middle, its up, goes down again…repeat. It’s up now but it will weaken eventually, hit bottom and then start all over again.

BlairWitch.de: Can you describe the feeling what it is like, when standing side by side with your childhood-idols in front of the camera, or interviewing them?
John: When I started working the site, I got so star struck. I mean here I am meeting all of my idols, people I grew up watching. I’d be nervous with a huge stupid smile on my dumbfounded face. Same thing when I first attended a Playboy party! I was like a kid at a candy store! Today, 6 years later, I’m used to it and rarely get fazed by it. The last time I was star struck was when I met Vin Diesel since I’m a huge fan. I was a blubbering mess…lol! All that to say; now when I meet “stars”, I see them as people. That’s until I meet Sylvester Stallone…I’ll lose it there! The man was and still is my main source of inspiration.

BlairWitch.de: You and Christian Viel are working together quite often - what is so interesting about this cooperation?
John: Christian and I fairly park our cars in the same garage. We both love action and sci-fi, we both work hard, both sacrifice a lot to labor within the industry, we both like drinking and we get along. We’re two no bullshit kinda guys in an industry that’s plagued with so much bullshit, its just make sense that we’d work together. From my standpoint, he’s honest, hard working and he makes things happen. I’d be stupid not to work with him. I learn something from the guy on every project.

BlairWitch.de: What can you tell us about your role in "Recon 2022"?
John: I play the villain of the film named Cybermerc, a crazy Cyborg that likes to kick ass and drop Freddy Krueger type quips. Not much else to say! I had a hoot with it!

BlairWitch.de: You wrote the screenplay for the movie "Painkiller" - tell us about it. Is it a action-revenge-movie like "The Punisher" or something completely different?
John: Funnily enough, PAIN KILLER happened after Christian Viel and I went to see the last PUNISHER flick and came out of it disappointed. We then started talking about doing our own vigilante adventure and after much alcohol and talking about it, PAIN KILLER was born. I wrote the script, helped Viel produce it and starred in it. The film is a low budget vigilante opus, plain and simple. We’re not re-inventing the wheel, it sticks to the formula but I like to think that it’s more vicious, fast paced and nasty than the norm. Let’s see if I’m right when the film comes out.

BlairWitch.de: about your scripts "The Red Hours", "Trigger", and "Night Life"?
John: The Red Hours is 6 years old now and is my ex-girlfriend like script where I drop it, go back to it, drop it, go back to it and so forth. It was always supposed to act as my feature length directorial debut and instead, thus far, it has acted as my painful education in Production Companies and the liars/con artists that plague them. I’m still trying to get financing together for it and would still love to do it, time will tell if that happens.

Trigger is a cynical action script I’m writing at the moment that has to do with a hitman within the Irish mob. Night Life is a gritty script (Interview with the Vampire meets Bound) written by my writing guru and friend Eric “The Hitcher” Red. I also contributed to the script and we came so damn close to making it happen… but no cigar yet. It's still in the hell that we call development.

BlairWitch.de: When you had to reduce your movie-season 2006/2007 to only five films - which ones would you like to see most?
John: Top of my head: Friday the 13 Part 11, Silent Hill, Rocky 6, Rambo 4 and Casino Royal. A note on the latter, I’m a huge James Bond fan, am not sure about Daniel Craig in the role (I already miss Pierce) but can’t wait to see it!

BlairWitch.de: Is there something in your history of movie making you'd like to undo today?
John: Well I started out in uber low budget indies else and yes the films were weak for the most part and my acting was so-so to crap. But you know what, we all have to start somewhere, I had fun doing them, learned through them and they were the echelons that led me to where I am right now. So I don’t regret… much.

BlairWitch.de: Tell us about your new projects we can expect in the future?
John: I’m writing Trigger right now, a film I’d like to also act in. The Red Hour is still alive (in my head anyways) and I’m slated to co-write another Sci Fi script later this year. Other than that the site is still going strong (we just added a DVD Section called the DVD Pub) and I got a few acting gigs up in the air, lets see if they land.

BlairWitch.de: Is there anything else you would like to add or tell our readers?
John: Anybody got Mandy Moore’s phone number? Hook me up! In all seriousness, if you got this far, thank you for reading my ramblings and keep loving horror! And thank you Blairwitch.de for having me on!